My grandmother Trudi`s remedy was that she washed the black currants, divided them into two 1.5 liter bottles, poured half of the sugar on each and finally poured the schnapps over them. Resting time in the dark was at least three months, but even after years the liqueur still tasted good.
I don`t know how much sugar my grandma used. But my own experiments have shown that about half of the sugar specified in the recipes of the candy manufacturers is perfectly sufficient. I take 300 grams of rock candy for 1000 grams of currants, i.e. 150 grams for each 500 grams of fruit in the two bottles.
Three quarters of a liter of wheat with 34 percent alcohol is poured over the whole thing. The lemon or lime zest and half a scratched vanilla pod each refine the aroma. Close the bottles well, store in the dark for at least three months, preferably in a constantly cool cellar.