Heat the honey with the butter and sugar in a saucepan while stirring. It should be a smooth, creamy mass. Remove the saucepan with the mixture from the heat, stir occasionally and let cool down lukewarm.
Now put the flour, baking powder, gingerbread spice, cinnamon, Finesse grated lemon peel and Finesse orange fruit (you can of course also use fresh grated peel!) In a large bowl. Mix everything in advance. Then add the eggs and the lukewarm honey mixture.
So now you need patience and strength! Now knead the whole thing by hand until a firm dough is formed! The dough will still be a little brittle, but that`s fine. It is important that it is kneaded very well and that it becomes a firm dough (like cookies). For me it always takes 10-15 minutes.
Now roll out the dough (I always take piece by piece) about 3-4mm thick and stick out the hearts with a cookie cutter. Place the hearts on a baking sheet lined with baking paper (ideally 2, then it goes faster) and bake at 180 ° C for 5-7 minutes. The hearts should be baked lightly or slightly brown. When they are dark they become bitter.
When the cookies have cooled down, brush one heart at a time with jam and stick another one on top.
Melt the chocolate with the butter in a double boiler. Gradually add the cream until it becomes a nice, creamy but not too runny mixture. Dip one double heart halfway into the chocolate, place it on a piece of paper and let it dry.
I always take the parchment paper I used for the squares and place the hearts on top to dry. I also prefer to let them dry overnight and only put them in the cookie jar the next day.
I love these honey hearts. And I always bake them in this amount, which is of course quite a bit. I get around 140-150 double hearts with this amount! But there are none left!
Of course, you can also make half of this recipe. Maybe you can then knead the dough in the food processor. But haven`t tried it yet.
Delicate beef heart, grilled like a kebab or barbecue. Easy peasy! Servings: 5 Ingredients Beef heart (slices) – 500 g Seasonings for meat Salt Lemon – 1 pc. Ground black pepper Directions Cut the beef heart into slices, rinse thoroughly under running wat...