This aioli gets its kick from the anchovy paste (which is why this is probably the most important ingredient).
Since the aioli is not made from olive oil and egg, it is relatively low in fat.
By using ready-made products, a quick preparation time is guaranteed.
Ideally, you should serve fresh white bread, baguette or ciabatta with this product.
Excellent as a sauce with meat (BBQ) or with baked potatoes.
Variations: To change the taste, you can replace Miracel Whip with mayonnaise or the sour cream with kefir (more liquid consistency, slightly more sour in taste).
Aioli (French Aïoli or All-i-Oli) is an emulsion-type cold sauce made of garlic and olive oil with a bright, rich aroma. A simple recipe for aioli sauce – your attention. Servings: 4 Cook: 10 mins Ingredients Garlic – 4 Cloves Yolk – 2 Pieces Olive Oil – ...
We adore and also often prepare alioli (alioli – as it is called at home, in Spain)! Magnificent, piquant, spicy, it is served there with almost all dishes, even with crackers, it is put on the table almost as soon as visitors take it. Ingredients Slices ...