Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. The cherries stemmed and pitted. Mix the butter and sugar together. Add egg yolks, salt, almond flavor, cinnamon and hazelnuts and mix together. Sieve in the flour with the baking powder and fold in. Beat the egg whites into egg whites and fold in. Stir in the chocolate.
Fill the dough into a springform pan and bake for 60-75 minutes. Dust the cooled cake with icing sugar. Place a cake tip over the cake and sieve cocoa powder over it. Carefully remove the template.
I would like to share the recipe for the “Bear” cake, which was my favorite in my school years. We cooked it at home on big holidays and cut it into cakes. I decided to reproduce it in a slightly modernized form by adding cream ganache. Ingredients: For t...