The citric acid is put into the water with the 40-50 umbels of the ripe and open elderflower that have been shaken off.
The nectar is strongest when the sun is high, so it would be best to pick it too.
The whole thing is left covered in a cool place for 24 - 48 hours and then everything is strained, through a sieve or filter, or even through a linen cloth. You can repeat this several times.
The starting juice is now filled with one kg of sugar and dissolved on a low flame, at a maximum of 50 -60 ° C. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, the liquid is removed from the flame.
But don`t cook !!!!
Then you let the whole thing cool down again and then add 2 bottles of clear / white (grain or vodka) and shake everything properly and the elderflower liqueur is ready to drink.
The whole thing can also be bottled as elderflower syrup, without alcohol, and is good as a fresh drink, diluted with water, or in apple tea for sweetening.