Low Carb Cottage Cheese Salad

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 10 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Course Salad
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 1)


  • 1 red pepper (s) or other raw vegetables or /2 avocado
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 100 g cooked ham or sliced turkey breast
  • 100 g cottae cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • possibly garlic
Low Carb Cottage Cheese Salad
Low Carb Cottage Cheese Salad


  1. Wash the vegetables, chop them up and put them in a medium bowl. Cut the boiled ham or turkey breast slices into strips and add to the vegetables.
  2. Pour the cottage cheese into the bowl. Add 1 teaspoon olive oil, season, mix well and serve.
  3. As a delicious dinner or after a training session.

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