First put soy milk and oil together in a container, then puree briefly (5 - 10 seconds) with the hand blender until a cream of the desired firmness is obtained. It probably works better when the oil and soy milk are at the same temperature, and lemon juice should also be helpful if the oil does not bind properly - but I mostly ignore both and have not had any problems so far.
Then season the whole thing with salt (about half a teaspoon, I always do it by feeling) and pepper. If you want, you can also add vinegar, mustard, maple syrup or the like.
For aioli, chop 1 clove of garlic (or two) and mix in.
Ready-made mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days in a closed container. Servings: 4 Ingredients Egg – 3 pieces Garlic – 4 cloves Olive oil – 180 ml. Lemon – 1 \ 2 piece Sugar – 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard – to taste Salt – to taste Rose...
Aioli (French Aïoli or All-i-Oli) is an emulsion-type cold sauce made of garlic and olive oil with a bright, rich aroma. A simple recipe for aioli sauce – your attention. Servings: 4 Cook: 10 mins Ingredients Garlic – 4 Cloves Yolk – 2 Pieces Olive Oil – ...
We adore and also often prepare alioli (alioli – as it is called at home, in Spain)! Magnificent, piquant, spicy, it is served there with almost all dishes, even with crackers, it is put on the table almost as soon as visitors take it. Ingredients Slices ...