Halve and core the peppers and remove the white separating skins. Halve the peppers and remove the stem end.
Slide the peppers and pepper halves with the skin side up on aluminum foil under the grill or bake in the oven at 200 degrees top heat until the skin blisters and turns black (faster with peppers than with peppers, so take them out of the oven earlier! ).
Peel the paprika and hot peppers and place in a bowl.
Chop the shallots, crush the garlic. Heat the olive oil and sauté the shallots and garlic. Melt the anchovy fillets in the hot oil.
Puree the vegetables with the magic wand and mix in the oil with the shallots, garlic and anchovies.
Season with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and chili powder (depending on the degree of spiciness you want) and stir in the herbs. Add a little olive oil to taste.