16 Absorbing Facts About Papaya

by Editorial Staff

The second most famous tree with large edible fruits is widespread in tropical countries. Botanists, who consider it a treelike herbaceous plant, called it Carica papaya, but more often the tree, like its fruits, is simply called "papaya."

Facts About Papaya

Facts About Papaya
Facts About Papaya
  1. Ten plants with bare trunks, decorated with openwork umbrella crowns of large leaves, are densely hung with yellow-green fruits reaching 35 centimeters in length. In taste and appearance, the fruits resemble a melon, hence the second name - a melon tree.
  2. More than 1000 varieties of papaya are known today. Its delicious fruits are often used in cooking, turning into sauces, salads, pastries, and drinks.
  3. The papaya was nicknamed "the breadfruit" because, when baked, the fruits emit the aroma of fresh bread.
  4. The pinkish pulp of the papaya is fragrant and slightly sour. Papaya is eaten raw, used in salads, and made into preserves, jams, drinks, marinades. Papaya juice is used in the production of ice cream. It is enough to add a few drops of juice to the broth, and the toughest meat becomes soft.
  5. Papaya is also a valuable medicinal plant. The juice of its leaves and unripe fruits contains the enzyme papain, which has an effect similar to the enzymes in gastric juice. The pulp improves digestion, is used to treat ulcers and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. The fruits of the melon tree quickly restore the strength of people exhausted by the disease, help the growth of living tissues, and heal wounds.
  6. There are also many useful substances in the stem, bark, leaves, and shell of the green fruit. Papaya is used not only in medicine but also in technology. Latex is obtained from the unripe papaya fruit. To do this, make from two to four circular cuts on them and collect the flowing juice in jars suspended from the fruit.
  7. Papaya is especially widespread on the islands of Oceania. But wherever it is found in Central America, Africa, India, and Australia, it is already a cultivated plant. In the wild, papaya is found only in the mountain forests of Colombia and Ecuador.
  8. Papaya grows quickly, for more convenient harvesting of fruits, the growth of trees is limited to a height of 3-4 s using special techniques.
  9. The pungent papaya seeds are an excellent substitute for black pepper. Some Asians even eat young papaya shoots.
  10. The health benefits of papaya may be worth a separate medical brochure. Firstly, papaya contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B, A, C, D, as well as potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium (only one fruit contains three daily norms of vitamin C). Secondly, it is one of the lowest-calorie fruits - there are only 39 calories in 100 grams of papaya.
  11. Papaya is recommended for both pregnant women and babies - it is harmless, easy to digest, and almost never causes allergies.
  12. For those who prefer juices to fruit, the news is good too. Papaya juice helps in treating insect bites and relieving pain from burns - and it is often used for skin diseases. And in tropical countries, doctors use papaya juice even in the treatment of spine and stomach diseases.
  13. Papaya fruits usually vary in shape and size. Ripe fruit should have a reddish-orange peel, and the flesh should be firm to the touch and sweet in taste. Unripe fruit should be placed in a dry, dark place and left to ripen. Ripe papaya is stored for no more than a week - and it is better to keep it in the refrigerator. Before serving the papaya on the table, you need to peel it and remove the seeds from the core of the fruit.
  14. Papaya makes excellent salads - it goes well with vegetables, seafood, and hard cheeses. Sweet fruits are also an indispensable ingredient in Asian dishes famous for their sweet and sour combinations.
  15. If you eat too much, papaya (like carrots) can lead to carotenemia - yellowing of the feet and palms.
  16. A small papaya contains about 300% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.

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